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Available Environment Variables

If you need to customize the behavior of nsv you can use the supported environment variables. Environment variables are perfect for running nsv within your CI workflow.

Global Variables

Variable Name Description
LOG_LEVEL the level of logging when printing to stderr
(debug, info, warn, error, fatal)
NO_COLOR switch to using an ASCII color profile within the terminal
NO_LOG disable all log output
NSV_FIX_SHALLOW fix a shallow clone of a repository if detected
NSV_FORMAT set a go template for formatting the provided tag
NSV_MAJOR_PREFIXES a comma separated list of conventional commit prefixes for triggering
a major semantic version increment
NSV_MINOR_PREFIXES a comma separated list of conventional commit prefixes for triggering
a minor semantic version increment
NSV_PATCH_PREFIXES a comma separated list of conventional commit prefixes for triggering
a patch semantic version increment
NSV_PRETTY pretty-print the output of the next semantic version in a given format
NSV_SHOW show how the next semantic version was generated

Tag and Patch Variables

Variable Name Description
NSV_COMMIT_MESSAGE a custom message when committing file changes, supports go text templates.
The default is: chore: tagged release {{.Tag}} {{.SkipPipelineTag}}
NSV_DRY_RUN no changes will be made to the repository
NSV_HOOK a user-defined hook that will be executed before the repository is tagged
with the next semantic version

Tag Variables

Variable Name Description
NSV_TAG_MESSAGE a custom message for the annotated tag, supports go text templates. The default
is: chore: tagged release {{.Tag}}